ZHdK Kulturpublizistik und Transdisziplinarität

Zollfreilager / Trading Identities

«Zollfreilager», the cultural migration observatory of Zurich University of the Arts, presents «Trading Identities», the third special issue of critical dialogue with the Theater Spektakel. In fast and slow formats, the authors shed light on the question of how identity, as a presumed normality, is created. In doing this, they also call themselves into question. The self-perceptions and behaviours of presumably well-intentioned cosmopolitans - especially in stage or media settings - often reinforce social and cultural hierarchies, the myth of the certainty of one’s own identity and the appropriation of cultural property. In order to become visible as a non-neutral standpoint, «Zollfreilager» has created the installation «Hochsitz». This mobile perch will be placed at different locations at the festival events. Members of the audience will be invited to climb the perch and observe events from an elevated perspective. The resulting observations will be published on the online-platform of «Zollfreilager» along with essays, interviews and illustrations. (zts)

Artistic direction and cast

Verantwortlich für die diesjährige Zollfreilager-Spezialausgabe «Trading Identities» sind Studierende und Lehrpersonen des Master Kulturpublizistik der ZHdK: Ruedi Widmer (Leitung), Eva Mackensen (Workshop, Lesegruppe), Annatina Nay & Valérie Hug (Redaktionsleitung, Lektorat, Lesegruppe), Deborah von Wartburg (Social Media), Corinna Haag (Illustrationen), Gianna Rovere & Anthonie de Groot (Careteam Hochsitz) sowie Barbara Nägelin (mitverantwortlich Hochsitz) aus dem Master Transdisziplinarität.

